TWI books

Three Steps of Job Instruction by Charles Mabra

Breaking Job Instructions in Three Main Steps 

There are three essential things in a business that ensures the work flows smoothly.  Learning about these three steps keeps things simple and easy to teach and learn. The three things are cost, quality, and production. It's important to make a product of good quality, on time, and within the budget. Falling behind on any of these things could make the difference between failure and success. It's the manager or supervisors job to handle every single detail each minute of the work day. Sometimes things go wrong but this doesn't mean the supervisor is irresponsible. Sometimes there are problems or things just don't work out. However, it's essential for supervisors to have the knowledge and skills to be able to fix and anticipate problems. Most managers face problems such as:

Broken equipment

The product is low quality

Accidents in the work place

Uninterested employees

Training takes too long

Machinery breaks down

Employees don't follow instructions

Supervisors regularly face struggles such as these. These challenges are never planned. However, they must be dealt with. The one responsible for taking care of them are the supervisors. TWI helps train managers and supervisors to be able to do what's needed to fix these complications or to even prevent them from occurring in the first place. 

TWI Training Solutions is the Teachers of Teachers by Charles Mabra

TWI helps teach how to get ready to instruct. Yes, teachers must be instructed on how to teach. Those who train need instructions on how to train others so that they can easily learn and retain the necessary info in order to get the job done right.

To instruct a job, it's necessary to know four things:

Break down the job

Prepare everything

Making a training timetable

Get the workplace ready

To break down a job, make a list with detailed steps of the job and list the main points in each of those steps. It's important to go through the task in your mind so that you're sure that you are teaching other employees correctly. 

Preparing everything means you have all the right tools, equipment, materials, tools, and supplies needed to complete the job. Using the wrong tools, hodgepodge materials, or forget something, sets a low standard for the person (or people) completing the task. Also, you risk undermining the authority as a supervisor. 

Your job as a supervisor or manager is to teach and train others. You want them to learn how to perform their jobs and responsibilities correctly. From the start is the best way to learn how to get something completed. In order to do this, you as the instructor or teacher, must do the best job possible in order to train. With the help of TWI, the Teachers of Teachers, we can help you and your business prepare to instruct and to train in the most common sense effective way. Contact us now to learn how we can help you become a better leader, supervisor or manager. 

What is TWI? by Charles Mabra

What is TWI or Training Within Industry?



During World War II, changes had to be made to meet all the needs and demands. Production was increasing and emergency groups were formed by the government which is how Training Within Industry was created. TWI called for a whole new purpose of the people and the way they were trained in industry. TWI's goal was to find out what they could do to make people more useful and productive. The staff and leaders soon came up with the three "J" programs which make up Training Within Industry's methods:

Job Relations Training (JR)

Job Instruction Training (JI)

Job Methods Training (JM)

People in an industry were trained by TWI and then would, in turn, train other people. This reduced training time and only required a minimum number of qualified trainers. TWI's service played an essential war in helping the war effort. 

Training Within Industry is even used to help businesses today to teach employees valuable lessons without wasting time by breaking down jobs and helping people master their work. Many managers and supervisors struggle with quality, cost, and production problems such as:
Too much affliction on equipment and tools
Machines malfunctioning
Accidents within the business
Employees inattentive
The product quality isn't up to par
Deadlines aren't met

Problems such as these aren't ever expected, however they can't be ignored. It's important for employees and supervisors to take responsibility and be trained well enough to come up with solutions that will be effective. To learn more about the three J's and TWI, contact us and we'll tell you more. 

Tried and True, TWI works. by Charles Mabra


Since World War II, TWI Proves That It Works

Training Within Industry has shown that it works in helping businesses grow and be more productive. TWI helps to simply and minimize processes that are complicated, costly and hard to understand. One example of success by implementing TWI is listed below:

In the early 1940s a company that was equipped with the proper tools needed to manufacture lenses would have to wait nearly five years as that is how much time it took for an average person to learn and master the art and sciences behind making lenses. However, by implementing Training Within Industries' methods, that lengthy number of years was reduced to around 4-6 months from start to finish.  As this company kept using the common sense methods which simplified and organized the way it trained its staff, the training time eventually decreased to six weeks. From five years to six weeks! That's definitely a huge improvement and shows that TWI works.



So how did this happen? There were no changes made in equipment, the companies, or even the employees. The workforce even remained the same. The only major change was the way the companies trained (or re-trained for that matter) their employees. Training Within industry and TWI Solutions can do for your business what it did for lens makers and countless other companies in nearly every industry. TWI had a monumental effect on changing the way organizations in the United States trained their employees. And it still does so today.

TWI took the 5 year time requirement and threw it out the window to set a new standard for productivity. 

Just like it has done for so many other businesses, the program can transform your business into what it should be. Through hands-on training and concentrated classroom instruction by Certified TWI Trainers and Instructors, your supervisors and managers will be equipped with all the tools needed. 

Your company's supervisors, managers, leaders, trainers and employees will acquire the ability of critical thinking. They will also develop a sense of accountability to raise the bar of previous job performance standards. They will want to do the best job for the company as they will have a sense of pride and individual accountability. When employees possess this, they care about the company and they want to work as a team in order to gain success. They see the whole picture of the business's goals and they feel appreciated and valued. 

This is only a small facet of the positive changes that implementing TWI will bring. These are cost effective and long lasting changes that will prove to be the best thing you've ever done to try improve your business.

Learn more about the TWI program by calling 479. 381. 5601 or completing the contact form. You may also email us at our contact page at

TWI Training Methods by Charles Mabra


TWI Training methods

What makes TWI different from other training methods?

Maybe you're familiar with the term Training Within Industry and are starting to understand a little about what exactly TWI Solutions does but you still have questions as to what makes TWI better than other industry training programs.



You may know that TWI was developed during WWII with the help of the best from government, private industry, and academia but the ideas that went into  the program are profoundly simple and easy to understand and highly effective. The Training Within Industry program was created with a sense of urgency because of the constraints of WWII with the war being referred to in the TWI report as 'an emergency'.

The developers of TWI came up with four essential requirements to turn the three facets of TWI (existing knowledge, new ideas, and thorough testing) into workable programs.

The four essential requirements were as follows:

1. The programs must be simple

2. The programs must be prepared using a minimum amount of presentation time

3. The programs must be built on the principle of demonstration or "learning by doing"

4. The program should provide a "multiplier effect" so that a group of employees who have been trained can also, in turn, train other employees.

These ideas laid out the basic foundation for the TWI program and resulted in a basic yet condensed training program without the the use of extraneous text or training. Every aspect of the program was developed to train workers effectively and efficiently. 

These methods work for every industry, including yours! Blue collar or white collar, the program will result in improvements anywhere that someone does a job. This means that you can achieve the same cost efficiency and productivity by implementing TWI Solutions. If you're tired of falling behind or maybe just not getting ahead. 

TWI Solutions is here to help you not only fight but to win your business battle.


contact us today

What Your Business is Losing Out On Without TWI by Charles Mabra


If you think there is something missing from your current production by not having a proven training program and solutions, chances are that you are correct. Your business is losing much without implementing the world's leader in lean training solutions.

Training Within Industry methods and thinking focuses on the common problems that managers and supervisors face. A top common problem is the lack of critical thinking in the workplace. This is the kind of critical thinking that can make or break a business.

TWI Solutions delves deep into the heart of logical thinking (getting the facts and reducing emotions) through many different channels of instruction. In addition to efficiently timed class room style sessions TWI Solutions also believes in hands-on instructions and peer instruction. Regardless of your industry whether it's healthcare, construction, education, or manufacturing TWI Solutions will result in improvements anywhere anyone does a job.

If you want better leadership, improved safety, cost, and productivity TWI solutions is your answer. This "Grandfather of Lean Training" is your premier source for the tools and content you need.

For inquiries regarding TWI Solutions and all the benefits you stand to gain, please visit us at